The uniqueness and specifics of the "Resource" training camp
The rules in our camp are not a list of prohibitions but a system of proper actions that help us live harmoniously and healthily! More than 50% of children return to our camp for the next season; some have been coming to us for several consecutive years. Over 80% of parents highly appreciate our work and are pleased with the changes that have
taken place in their child during their time at the «Resource» training camp.
The «Resource» training camp is a communicative training program focused on responsibility, independence, teamwork (cooperation, negotiation, conflict resolution), self-reflection (understanding one’s emotions, behavioural motives, and the ability to analyse and plan actions), and self-presentation skills (presenting one’s work, expressing opinions). It is also essential for us to foster curiosity and an interest in life and learning and to instil the value of education and erudition. To achieve these goals, joint living rules and discipline are essential — as a foundation for order and safety. Since children often resist doing what adults tell them or following external rules, the first few days are spent creating their own rules, testing them, and checking their limits.
An integral part of growing up is realising necessary responsibilities, which children themselves formulate, choose, and carry out. Additionally, each child has the opportunity to take on leadership roles, be responsible, and oversee others, which develops their social position and self-awareness. Evening psychological circles, where children learn to express their thoughts and feelings, resolve conflicts, and praise each other, as well as individual and group games and tasks, promote the development of communication skills and collaboration.
The training camp must be run successfully, and the atmosphere of trust, adaptation, and each child’s involvement in the collective experience must be supported by the camp leaders’ psychological approach and games. The token system allows us to shape and reinforce desired behaviours, support a competitive spirit and solidarity, and develop mutual assistance among the children.
A healthy mind in a healthy body, and for this, a daily routine, exercise, sports, and the absence of unhealthy food are necessary. Even the oldest campers appreciate the quiet hour, as the day is packed with events and personal time is needed to rest, read, and think — to be alone with oneself. Children can earn «tokens» for completing their exercises, and they have the opportunity to choose exercises they enjoy the most! Sports games and relays are always part of the program. Four meals a day and the absence of trips to the store prevent food poisoning and meet the needs of a growing body. This helps to ensure your child’s physical development and health.
Comprehensive development and self-expression are key. The program includes sports games, handicrafts, art workshops, theatrical performances, general knowledge quizzes, and teamwork games. These activities help children showcase different aspects of themselves, share their knowledge, learn something new from others, and develop a balanced self-assessment.
We aim to teach children independence, responsibility for their behaviour, cooperation, and adherence to rules and communication norms. We also aim to foster healthy self-esteem, curiosity, and a healthy lifestyle.
Some of the challenges that children overcome in our camp:
In the camp, some children are faced with the need to change their usual behaviour in order to get what they want. For example, they have to learn how to negotiate instead of throwing tantrums, disobeying, or resorting to manipulation.
Additionally, many children struggle to listen to others, express their thoughts and feelings with words (rather than using aggression), analyse what has happened, and draw conclusions. We hold «circles» daily to develop these critical skills, where children learn self-understanding, self-expression, and cooperation. These valuable skills are something the children take home with them!
Active joint activities, which take up most of the training camp’s time, foster friendships and lead to constant friction, conflicts, and agreements among the children. They are forced to learn to cooperate and negotiate, which, as we all know, can be challenging. Our camp is 100% live communication, where children overcome difficulties, learn to be friends, and collaborate!
Independence and the development of responsibility may not always be a fun process. It starts with children learning to live without their parents (taking care of themselves, overcoming homesickness, solving difficult situations, handling conflicts, etc.). It ends with taking responsibility for others when they need to organise not only themselves but also help others. For children who are not used to this, who haven’t developed these skills, or who aren’t «mature» enough, it can lead to emotional and behavioural difficulties, and they need additional support from parents! After all, staying at home in a familiar environment, where there are no demands and the schedule is free, and with the bonus of a tablet, is much easier and, at first glance, more appealing. However, the benefits and positives of our camp are felt long after, and the skills of cooperation and independence last a lifetime!
Counselors of the "Resource" Psychological Training Camp

Vadim Levikin (Senior Counsellor)
Centre Director. Certified trainer in neuropsychological sensorimotor correction, TURUS Plus program, a psychologist at the centre, and a specialist in personal growth and parent-child relationships. Experience since 2000. Master of Psychology and Health.
«…I am one of the founders of the ‘Resource’ training camp idea. As a child, I was in camps several times and didn’t like it!!! Partly for this reason, it is paramount for me to help children adapt, get to know each other, ensure everyone has equal rights and responsibilities (according to their age and abilities), and create an atmosphere of trust and cooperation! The camp is an opportunity for children to grow up and gain independence. It is crucial for me that children learn to communicate, talk about themselves, become independent, and take responsibility for their words and actions. I highly value the ability to negotiate, consistency, goal-setting, and meaningfulness I teach children in our training camp.»

Ekaterina Aleynikova (Counselor)
Administrator of the «Resource» Center. Coordinator of the «Eureka» program, organiser of the «Resource» children’s camp, lead of psychological workshops, Master of Psychology.
«For me, the camp is a part of life that happens at an accelerated pace, full of activity and communication! After all, we only have an hour of exercise every morning at camp, meals strictly on schedule, and a quiet hour! Additionally, only here is there so much genuine, heartfelt communication and real life! Children are the most grateful clients because only they can be so sincere; they rejoice and get upset, love and get angry, and wait and know how to have fun! Our camp teaches children responsibility, independence, and the ability to negotiate. At the same time, I learn from them their curiosity about everything happening around them, their directness, and their ability to see the good in little things. I’m in charge of exercise, sports events, and fun games at camp. I’m available 24/7 to communicate with parents. I take care of the organisational aspects of camp life and charge everyone with positive energy and a good mood every day!»

Martin (Counsellor)
Master’s degree in Organizational Management and Educational Process Management.
I teach English at a private college in Spain and prepare students for language exams at the University of Cambridge Academy. I mainly specialise in working with teenagers, but I also work in early childhood education and with adults. I am fluent in English, Russian, Latvian, and Spanish and have been working with children since 2012. Over the years, I have worked in schools, colleges, academies, and summer camps in Riga, Madrid, Alicante, and Seville. I will be working again at the «Resource» summer camp this summer.
But why Resource?
It’s simple: I work with honest, decent people who are professionals in their fields. I value creativity, thoughtful planning, consistency, and practicality in every action, which results in children feeling happy and wanting to return. As a teacher and counsellor, nothing is better than the gratitude and recognition I receive from the children and their parents for my work. This motivates me to continue, improve, and do even more.

Liza (Counsellor)
I am a student at the University of Latvia, named after Stradins. I have always been interested in child psychology and medicine. The camp has become an opportunity for me to learn about children’s personalities and psychology and how they develop and grow. I get to discover how each child is different and unique. The camp is a separate world where children learn to understand themselves and others, learn to communicate, and become independent and responsible.
What I particularly like about the «Resource» camp is that every action has a purpose and significance, aimed at the children, their development, and helping them learn about themselves. In working with children, patience, understanding, and responsiveness are most important to me. Every child needs a certain amount of time to open up and show who they are, so that time must be respected.
My goals in this camp are to learn how to find an approach to each child, help them become better, and develop myself along the way, as there is so much to learn from the children. I see my future career in medicine, but my interest in psychology lives in this developmental camp.